Solution: WordPress problem uploading images

I spend half an hour trying to find the solution to a problem related to WordPress, and nobody on the Internet seems to have it, so now I had figured it out I have the duty of post it so others can take advantage.

After installing WordPress on my server I wasn’t able to upload images using the admin page, it said something like “The uploaded file could not be moved to …” (“El archivo subido no se ha podido mover a …” in spanish).

It looked like a privileges problem, so I gave to all the folders the rights to read and write (you can do this from your FTP Client, right click on the root folder and search for Atributes or Permissions and set it to read and write to all users), not the safest solution but it should work.

But it didnt. I realized that the uploads folder of WordPress “wp-content/uploads” was created by Apache, not by my user, so that was the problem.

I deleted the folder /wp-content/uploads which was empty, and create it again using my ftp client, problem solved.

One Response to “Solution: WordPress problem uploading images”

  1. anonimous Says:

    Gracias gracias gracias!!!!

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