Like every year, here is a sumary of things that I did during this year.

Books I read:

  • Sapiens – Yuval Noah Harari, way too good 
  • Dragon’s Egg – Robert L. Forward, best scifi book in a long time
  • El doble – Dostoievski, boring
  • Treasure Island – Robert Louis Stevenson, great
  • El queso y los gusanos – Carlo Ginzburg, sad but unforgetable
  • No is not enough – Naomi Klein, powerful
  • 1Q84 (1 & 2) – Haruki Murakami, disapointing
  • La vida manual de uso – George Pereq, unique

Games I played:

  • Rainbow Six: Siege 400hours played since I bought it…
  • Insurgency: Sandstorm great sequel
  • Kingdom: New Worlds nothing new but still best simple game
  • Human Fall Flat: I was amazed watching my 5 years old nephew play this game and how fast he got it.
  • Minecraft: a nice way to interact with my nephews
  • RUST: I didnt play much this year but sometimes I can’t escape
  • Overcooked: best party game this year

TV Shows I watched:

  • Narcos fun to watch
  • Bojack Horsemen it gets better every season
  • Mindhunter more tense show I’ve ever seen
  • Disenchanted disapointing, until the last episode…


Some of my silly achievements of this year

Walked 330 KM during 14 days in the Camino de Santiago
Draw a portrait of myself

Released a new song with Arden (and the last we will release)
Coded a pixel-art face generator
Created my own linear video editor on the web
Created a 1.4MBs prototype of a videogame

And started developing new projects that I plan to release during 2019, stay tuned!

4 Responses to “2018”

  1. Amine Rehioui Says:

    Bravo Javi! To a great 2019 year 🙂

  2. tamat Says:

    Thanks Amine! I wish you a great 2019 for you too

  3. Graham Says:

    Great summary to the year. Your projects are always creative and inspiring. G

  4. tamat Says:

    Thank you Graham, I always love to follow yours too

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