Archive for the 'coding' Category

Canvas Experiment: VRorschach

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

VRorschach is a silly HTML5 Canvas experiment I did a year ago. You can try it clicking the image.
It generates procedural symmetrical shapes and allow you to name them and share them.

The algorithm to create the shapes is very random, it creates closed splines with random x,y values around an area, and keeps shrinking the area with every polygon. I use a seeded random function so people can see the same results using the same seed.

It was fun to see what people saw.

I should try to find a better algorithm, I’m pretty sure I can make better looking shapes using something less random.

Ludum Dare 22: Alone in the city

Monday, April 16th, 2012

Me and my girlfriend participated on the Ludum Dare 22 competition about making a game in 48hours. After the total failure of the GGJ11 we wanted to make something more simple. The theme was simple: ALONE

I wrote a post-mortem about the game on the official blog, you can read it here.


Resurrecting the Blog

Monday, April 16th, 2012

I loose count on how many times I’ve trying to resurrect my blog.
I wanted to do a propper devlog like all those amazing blogs I’m suscribed (I should make a post about them), but when I’m very active at coding I do not feel very communicative to write about it, so here we go again.

I plan to write at least once a week to explain how some of my projects are going and to share all those annoying bugs or problems I had discovered and which solutions did I use.

And as I always do, I cleaned my wordpress theme so at least it will help me find the strength to write.

I did a small WebGL widget to make it more interesting, I plan to do more silly 3d widgets over the time.
This one is tiny in code, and it shouldnt take too much resources (it only gets executed when the tab is visible).
I used the library lightgl to simplify the code.
Lightgl is a tiny javascript library to wrap some of the WebGL funcionalities in a more friendly code. It helps to upload textures and meshes, compile shaders and it comes with the mathematical operations common to 3D.

Check the code to make the example above


.OBJ to JSON python script

Sunday, June 26th, 2011

I have developed a small script in python to convert OBJs to JSON, well suited for WebGL rendering.
It is not very optimized, and it only support OBJs with one mesh with UVs and Normals.
It computes the bounding box and clamp to 3 decimals all the values to avoid some ugly values.
It support indexed meshes and coordinates swap for 3ds MAX exported meshes.

The code after the jump.

My simple IP Socket Server in Python

Friday, June 25th, 2010

This is a small python code I wrote to create easily apps that connect using a socket.

The interface is really fast:

from easyserver import *

def on_client(info):
print “Alguien viene… ”
print info.details

def on_message(info, msg):
print “Dice: ” + msg

def on_close(info):
print “Se fue…”
print info.details

EasyServer(20000,on_client, on_message, on_close)

This will call any of those callbacks anytime somebody connects to the server listening in port 20000. More simple is impossible.

Here is the code: